Preview: Harley Quinn #49

Harley's straight-up clowning around on her latest mission, and she's faced with a real laugher of a puzzle: How does…

7 ans ago

Preview: James Bond: Origin #1

"Chapter One: The Greatest Days." At last, the definitive account of James Bond's exploits during World War II! March, 1941:…

7 ans ago

Preview: X-Men: Gold #35

The X-Men versus the undead! Goddess versus god! And Storm's final battle (suite…)

7 ans ago

Preview: Archie Meets Batman ’66 #3

The historic crossover mini-series rolls on! Gotham's villains have infiltrated Pop's Chocklit Shoppe to enact their plans of mind control!…

7 ans ago

Preview: Adventures Of The Super Sons #2

Kids today, amiright? What with their vaping, texting, emoji-ing and whatnot-never mind what happens when teen villains the Gang get…

7 ans ago

Preview: Asgardians Of The Galaxy #1

Angela, the not-so-beloved half-sister of Thor. The hotheaded Valkyrie -- and the human who shares her form, Annabelle Riggs. Skurge…

7 ans ago

Preview: Albert Einstein: Time Mason #1

He's got the mind, the might, and the mustache! A roguish Albert Einstein leads a team of geniuses called the…

7 ans ago

Preview: Astonishing X-Men #15

After the events of last issue, Havok and his team are on the run from the law. Plus, the Reavers'…

7 ans ago

Preview: Avengers #7

Featuring Ghost Rider 1,000,000 BC! If you thought you knew the beginnings of the Marvel Universe, you were wrong! Odin…

7 ans ago

Preview: Harbinger Wars 2: Aftermath #1

The power's back online and the fighting is over... but who are the real victors of Harbinger Wars 2, and…

7 ans ago