Atlas Unified @ Atlas Comics
20 septembre 2011[ENGLISH] Atlas Comics says: Atlas Comics is excited to announce ATLAS UNIFIED, a history-making comic book mini-series that launches with a #0 issue during this October’s New York Comic-Con and then continues with the first issue in November. ATLAS UNIFIED takes Phoenix, Grim Ghost, Wulf and several surprise stars on a deadly free-fall through eternity. A catastrophic visitation from the distant future (and Atlas Comics’ past) brings the dramatic revelation that time travel is possible–but only for those prepared to die. The world’s toughest heroes track a desperate villain through eras ranging from humanity’s savage dawn to its tragic end–but find only an irreversible threat to history, to time, and to existence itself.
ATLAS UNIFIED is being penned by industry legend Tom Peyer, who has been writing comics for over two decades. He is best known for the DC Comics series “Hourman,” and for his five-year run on “Legion of Super-Heroes.” He was a founding editor of DC’s Vertigo imprint. He has also written for Marvel Comics, Bongo, and many others. Outside of comics, his byline has appeared in The New Yorker, Harper’s, and National Lampoon. With Hart Seely, he is co-editor of the baseball poetry book “O Holy Cow: The Selected Verse of Phil Rizzuto” (Ecco Press).
The series is being drawn by up-and-coming talent Jimbo Salgado, who has worked for Disney/ToonCity Animation, Interactive Arts Services, Animation Inc., Topdraw Animation Inc., Philippine Animation Studios, ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation, and others.
Jason Goodman, CEO of Atlas Comics and grandson of Marvel Comics’ founder Martin Goodman, comments, “We are very excited to have Tom and Jimbo on board for ATLAS UNIFIED! I am confident that their creative talent will ensure a new « must read » from Atlas. These characters have never appeared together in one book before and I’m proud to finally bring these incredible characters together for an epic battle across time!”
ATLAS UNIFIED #1, shipping in November, will feature three individual character covers and a combined team gatefold cover, plus a black-and-white variant. Atlas Comics, run by Jason Goodman, is the home of THE GRIM GHOST, PHOENIX, WULF, and hundreds of other ATLAS heroes and villains created by industry legends, and reimagined by the established and rising stars of today.
Tant qu’ils y étaient, ils auraient carrément pu appeler ça Unity. Et quitte à prendre un scénariste de la Légion, ils auraient dû demander à Jim Shooter.
Mouais. Par essence on peut qualifier d’Unity tous les crossovers. Quand à Tom Peyer ce n’est pas un mauvais. D’ailleurs avec Atlas le souci n’est pas forcément les scénaristes. Ils sont arrivés à coller Steve Niles sur Wulf par exemple. Par contre clairement il y a de la marge de progression pour les dessinateurs, c’est le moins qu’on puisse dire…
Ca me rappelle mes premiers Titans,avec aussi Le Justicier par Steve Ditko,et La Planète Maudite,une sous »Planète des Singes »…et ,pourquoi pas,à quand un retour d’ « Iron Jaw » également?
Iron Jaw a déjà fait son retour dans les titres modernes, en perso secondaire dans Wulf je crois.
Les dessinateurs sont pas des champions mais alors… les coloristes… la vache !! C’est n’importe quoi. Ils font travailler leur famille, je vois que ça comme explication.