« We’re excited to bring this book to the table, » says Bluewater’s Vice President Jason Schultz. « There are a couple comics focusing on John McCain and Barack Obama, we wanted to feature Hilary who broke all the rules in this election and made history »
Publisher Darren G. Davis said, « John McCain and Barack Obama have all of the spotlight. Our goal is to show the historical impact that maybe underrated from by those who are too facetted on the candidates to fully understand the historical impact of being a few votes show for the 1st female president. Many people are daunted by the endless stream of articles on the candidates. A visual medium provides perspective that is not only accessible but more relatable to the average person without loosing any of the information involved ».
This 32-page comic book will be telling the story of her life, « Female Force: Hillary Clinton » will explore both sides of the issue, from her positive contribution to the new feminist ethos to the detractors who argue against her attempt to secure the nomination to the bitter end. Though the battle for the presidency now comes down to John McCain and Barack Obama, interest is still strong and steadfast for what might have been the first female presidential nominee in history. Join Bluewater Productions as we examine the enigma of Hillary Clinton.
« I am writing Hillary Clinton from a perceptive of someone who did not admire her at 1st and throughout the process of research has come to admire and be utterly fascinated by what is obviously the most underrated historical figure in modern History. « Said writer Neal Bailey.
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