Bob Larkin Needs Comic Fandom’s Help

Bob Larkin Needs Comic Fandom’s Help

12 mars 2013 Non Par Comic Box

Bob Larkin Needs Comic Fandom's Help[ENGLISH] Boom Art Department tells us: From Terry Allen: Bob Larkin, whose done hundreds of paintings for Marvel, DC, Fleer and numerous others is in desperate need of help. Bob’s wife, Fran, has been battling various forms of cancer for the past 12 years and the endless medical bills has put an incredible financial strain on the family. Fran is currently recovering from her latest surgery and Bob has become her caregiver 24/7 leaving him unable to take on new work.

I’ve been working with Bob the past few years doing primarily Doc Savage based collectible items with the profits going to Bob and family.I’ve worked with Bob the past couple of years on a sketch book featuring Doc Savage as well as Batman, Stewie, the Shadow , and a whole host of others and it’s finally come back from the printers this week.The books are square bound, 8 ½ x 11″ 48 black and white pages and are individually signed and numbered by Bob.

Bob Larkin Needs Comic Fandom's Help

The paperback edition is $20.00 (plus shipping) and there are two deluxe hard cover editions available that are in short supply.100% of the sales are going directly to the Larkins as well as anything else that might interest you on site.


Richard Boom

CEO Boom Art Department

Skype: boomvavavoom
Phone: +31 (0) 613753411