Joe Quesada: 10 Years As Editor-In-Chief Of Marvel!
1 septembre 2010[ENGLISH] Marvel Comics tells us: This is it True Believers, the Mighty Marvel Podcast you’ve been waiting for – EPISODE 100 with Editor-in-Chief and Chief Creative Officer, Joe Quesada! That’s right folks, Joe stops by to talk with fan-favorite host and Marvel Senior Art Director Jeff Suter about his 10 years as EiC and bestows some helpful tips on how to break into the industry. Listen in as Joe reflects on his time in Marvel Knights, bringing this century’s hottest new talent to Marvel and his role in the creation of the Ultimate Universe! You’ve heard about the top-secret creative retreats and in this episode of the MMP, find out where they began! This is one episode no Marvel fan can miss!
So what are you waiting for? Go download the latest chapter now here:
The Mighty Marvel Podcast, your one stop shop for news about comics with the people who’re making them, features some of the hottest writers to hit the scene like – Brian Michael Bendis, Jeph Loeb, Matt Fraction and more! Make sure you keep checking back to at Marvel Podcast Central or subscribe to the Mighty Marvel Podcast on iTunes (that way you never miss any of the action-packed installments)!
pétard!! 10 ans !! un univers ULTIMATE qui est un échec commercial!!(il n a JAMAIS touché le grand public et AUCUN jeune ne lis de comics!) AMAZING SPIDER MAN moribond!!des scénarii plus Z les uns que les autres;(oh!peter se transforme en araignée géante!!oh!tante may meurt pour la 20 EME FOIS!!oh!les gens ont oubliés le démasquage public et le mariage!!harry osborn est de retour vivant!!) malgré 3 films qui cartonnent,SPIDER MAN N A JAMAIS été 1er des ventes!!!!finch et bendis auraient du faire la série!!!les X MEN sont hes been!!malgré le reeboot récent qui ne fera pas illusion lomgtemps(BLADE ctait en 99 les gars!!)PIRE!!LES VENTES COMICS PLAFONNENT A 140 000 EX(pour le 1er) AUCUNE AMELIORATION DEPUIS 10 ANS!!BOB HARRAS ETAIT PLUS COMPETANT:les comics etaient plus fun a lire;HEROES REBORN vendaient plus!c etait le bon vieux temps!MEME DC (eternels seconds pourtant)rattrapent marvel dans le top 10!!VIREZ QUESADA ET METTEZ TODD MC FARLANE A SON POSTE!
C’est pour le moins un peu « caricatural »…