[FRENCH] Fin 2008, Ed Brubaker et Sean Phillips, véritables « Experts » du polar sur comic-book, signaient une mini-série en…
[FRENCH] Zack, le héros d'Ed Brubaker et Sean Phillips revient dans une deuxième mini-série "Incognito". Vous vous dites que maintenant…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In January 2011, Part 3: Ultimate, Max & Others, Ultimate Comics Thor, Ultimate Comics…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: The Eisner-winning team of Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips have brought their acclaimed Criminal and Incognito…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In July 2009 - Part 3 : Halo, Dark Tower, The Stand, Anita Blake,…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is pleased to announce that Incognito #1 & #2, which quickly sold out of both…
[FRENCH] L'ex-super-criminel Zack Overkill a trahi la pègre et profitait jusqu'ici de la protection des témoins dans un anonymat qui,…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: The team that's won every MAJOR AWARD in comics continues the most twisted super-villain story ever…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips, the superstar brains behind the multi-Eisner Award winning book CRIMINAL, have…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: The man who killed Captain America, named “Best Writer In Comics” for two years in a…