John Romita

Avant-Première VO: Review Superman #42

[FRENCH] L'univers de Superman est secoué dans ces quelques pages. Non seulement la couverture est un gros indice sur la…

9 ans ago

L’Art des Super-Héros Marvel chez Art Ludique

[FRENCH] Marvelophiles, à partir de ce samedi 22 mars et pendant quelques mois, pas d'excuse : Il vous faut absolument…

11 ans ago

Avant-Première VO: Review Avengers vs. X-Men #4

[FRENCH] Après le schisme au sein des X-Men, voici qu'un schisme a éclaté chez les Avengers. En opposition aux mutants…

13 ans ago

Avant-Première VO: Review Avengers vs. X-Men #3

[FRENCH] Tandis que Hope a pris la fuite, les X-Men d'Utopia se sont rendus. Captain America et les Avengers ont…

13 ans ago

Oldies But Goodies: Untold Tales Of Spider-Man #-1 (Juillet 1997)

[FRENCH] L'épisode que nous allons explorer cette semaine ne remonte pas aux années 40 et son titre n'a rien d'une…

16 ans ago

John Romita Sr.’s The Death Defying ‘Devil #1 Amazing Chase Cover!

[ENGLISH] Dynamite tells us: Don't miss your chance to catch one of the greatest heroes of the ages brought to…

16 ans ago

Golden Age Great George Tuska And John Romita Sr. Cover The Black Terror!

[ENGLISH] Dynamite tells us: The Black Terror is back and boy is he pissed! From the thrilling pages of Project…

16 ans ago

Amazing Spider-Man #572 Swings Back Into Stores With A New Printing!

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Things are never easy for our favorite web-slinger. With Norman Osborn and the Thunderbolts breathing down…

16 ans ago

Amazing Spider-Man #571 Second Printing Variant

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: You've got Spidey taking on Anti-Venom, then Norman taking on Menace and to top it all…

16 ans ago

Mark Millar & John Romita Jr Continue To Kick-Ass With New Printings!

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: The comic book that has everyone from MTV to EW talking is Mark Millar and John…

16 ans ago

Amazing Spider-Man #569 Swings Back Onto Store Shelves!

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: To meet overwhelming demand, Marvel will be going back to print with Amazing Spider-Man #569 Second…

16 ans ago

Amazing Spider-Man #569 Already Sold Out!

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: On the day of its release, Amazing Spider-Man #569 has sold out at Diamond (though copies…

16 ans ago

New Ways To Die Premiere Results In Amazing Sell-Out!

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Amazing Spider-Man #568 has it all, and it is flying off the shelves, resulting in a…

16 ans ago

Amazing Spider-Man #568 Begins New Ways To Die Today!

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Peter Parker’s survived a Brand New Day—but now he’s about to discover New Ways To Die…

16 ans ago

Kick Ass Fights Back To A New Must-Have One-Shot!

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Due to overwhelming demand, leading to the sell outs Kick-Ass #1-3 and multiple printings, fans will…

16 ans ago

Avant-goût VO : Review Mighty Avengers #15

[FRENCH] Changement d'angle avec un épisode qui n'est consacré ni à l'un des Mighty Avengers, ni à la bande de…

17 ans ago

Preview : Mighty Avengers #15

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: THE STORY: SECRET INVASION TIE-IN! WHATEVER HAPPENED TO-----? Rewinding the clock to Avengers Dissassembled we reveal…

17 ans ago

Kick Ass Continues To Take Names As It Sells Out Again!

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is pleased to announce that Kick Ass #3, from the superstar Wolverine: Enemy of The…

17 ans ago

Avant-Goût VO : Kick-Ass #3

[FRENCH] Ca y est. La série de Mark Millar et John Romita semble être passé à plein régime. Ou plus…

17 ans ago

Preview : Kick Ass #3

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: You were wowed by the first two issues of this comic. But wait until you read…

17 ans ago