Avant-Première VO: Review Avengers #2
[FRENCH] Il manque quelqu’un aux Avengers reformés. Quelqu’un qui a accès à une technologie tellement avancée qu’elle marginalise celle d’Iron…
[FRENCH] Il manque quelqu’un aux Avengers reformés. Quelqu’un qui a accès à une technologie tellement avancée qu’elle marginalise celle d’Iron…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: The « WAR OF THE IRON MEN » escalates, but how! Captured by his enemies, stripped of the…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: “PAYBACK,” PART 1 – Lady Gorgon, a high-ranking Hand operative, lost her stature after she failed…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Nick Fury’s Avengers have assembled: Black Widow, The Punisher, a new Hulk, War Machine and Hawkeye…
[FRENCH] Dans cet avant-dernier chapitre de World War Hulks, Bruce Banner pique à nouveau une verte colère, la Red She-Hulk…
[FRENCH] Le 3-D-Man moderne a retrouvé la trace des Agents of Atlas. Problème : d’une part il a des souvenirs…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to present your first look at Daredevil #508, a vital chapter in the…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to unveil a new sneak peek at the hotly-anticipated Avengers: Children’s Crusade #1,…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to unveil superstar artist Olivier Coipel’s variant cover to X-Men #1. The X-Men…
[FRENCH] Après un mois passé à découvrir les branches nouvelles (Secret Avengers, Avengers Academy) ou réouvertes (les Avengers pur jus),…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Unveils Olivier Coipel’s AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Cover – Marvel is proud to unveil superstar artist Olivier…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is pleased to present your first look at X-Force: Sex and Violence #1! Get ready…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In September 2010, Part 3: Ultimate, Max & Others: Marvelman, Dark Tower: The Gunslinger,…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: KRAKOOOM! Marvel is excited to announce and bring fans their first look at Thor: For Asgard,…
[FRENCH] C’est le jour de La Table Ronde ! Régulièrement la discussion d’une partie de l’équipe après la lecture d’un…
[FRENCH] Les X-Men n’en finissent pas d’avoir des problématiques liées au futur. Après le soudain retour de Cable et de…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to present your first look at Wolverine #1 from red-hot writer Jason Aaron…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is pleased to announce that the second printings of Second Coming #1, Uncanny X-Men #523,…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Hot off the sellout of its first issue, Marvel is proud to present your first look…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to present your first look at Hit-Monkey #1, from the red-hot creative team…