Preview: Thor #615
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: This September, superstars Matt Fraction, Pasqual Ferry and Matt Hollingsworth take the reins of Thor and…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: This September, superstars Matt Fraction, Pasqual Ferry and Matt Hollingsworth take the reins of Thor and…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to present your first look at X-Men #1 from the red-hot creative team…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Things have never been worse for the X-Men. They’re stuck in an impregnable dome of Bastion’s…
[ENGLISH] Marvel Comics tells us: Captain America #606 – THE HEROIC AGE IS HERE! Acclaimed artist Butch Guice joins award-winning…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: It’s the X-Men vs. DEATH—literally! With Bastion and his forces cutting through their teammates back on…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: The most talked about new series of 2010 rages on! Nemesis’s tour of terror hits Washington…
[FRENCH] Il y a un univers voisin du notre qui déborde de vie et est bien décidé à taper l’incruste.…
[FRENCH] Reformer les Avengers et en particulier réunir les trois principales têtes d’affiches n’a rien de facile, contrairement à ce…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to present your first look at Secret Avengers #2, from the Eisner-winning writer…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to present your first look at Thunderbolts #145, from the acclaimed team of…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to present your first look at Avengers #2, from the superstar team of…
[ENGLISH] Marvel Entertainment tells us: New York, NY – June 2, 2010 – Marvel Entertainment, LLC announced today that it…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: They were friends, brothers and teammates through all of Marvel’s greatest adventures, but recent events turned…
[FRENCH] Changement de propriétaire ! Dans la nouvelle administration, les Thunderbolts post-Siege ne sont plus la propriété de Norman Osborn.…
[FRENCH] Une semaine après avoir fait connaissance de la nouvelle formule des Avengers selon Brian Michael Bendis et John Romita…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: The Heroic Age is here and Moon Knight’s made a shocking decision—he’s a member of the…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is pleased to unveil superstar artist J. Scott Campbell’s gorgeous variant cover to Amazing Spider-Man…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Witness the birth of the White Queen! From the mousy girl from a rich New England…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: REVEALED AT LAST— SPIDER-MAN’S FIRST MEETING WITH CAPTAIN AMERICA! An Untold Tale of Spider-Man reveals the…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: THE HEROIC AGE IS HERE! Who are the Secret Avengers? Are they a covert team of…