Étiquette : Marvel Comics

8 juin 2010 Non

Preview: Thor #615

Par Comic Box

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: This September, superstars Matt Fraction, Pasqual Ferry and Matt Hollingsworth take the reins of Thor and…

7 juin 2010 Non

Preview: X-Men #1

Par Comic Box

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to present your first look at X-Men #1 from the red-hot creative team…

5 juin 2010 Non

Preview: X-Men: Hellbound #2

Par Comic Box

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: It’s the X-Men vs. DEATH—literally! With Bastion and his forces cutting through their teammates back on…

2 juin 2010 Non

Preview: Avengers #2

Par Comic Box

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to present your first look at Avengers #2, from the superstar team of…

28 mai 2010 Non

Preview: Avengers Prime #1

Par Comic Box

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: They were friends, brothers and teammates through all of Marvel’s greatest adventures, but recent events turned…