Dynamic Forces Announces Exclusive « Secret Invasion » Variant Cover
[ENGLISH] Dynamic Forces today presents their exclusive alternate cover for the upcoming Secret Invasion #1. The alternate cover features all…
[ENGLISH] Dynamic Forces today presents their exclusive alternate cover for the upcoming Secret Invasion #1. The alternate cover features all…
[ENGLISH] As Cyclops and Emma Frost try to save Angel—and the entire city of San Francisco—from something unexplainable, Wolverine, Colossus…
[FRENCH] Le groupe César annonce le renouvellement jusqu’en 2012 de son contrat de licence costumes, masques et accessoires avec le…
[FRENCH] Suite et fin du story-arc « Ultimate Spider-Man and his amazing friends », qui, au cours d’une petite réunion…
[ENGLISH] One of Marvel’s most critically-acclaimed series continues in Incredible Hercules #116 as Hercules and Amadeus Cho must deal with…
[ENGLISH] Act Three of the epic « Death Of Captain America » storyline begins right here, as Eisner-winning writer Ed Brubaker takes…
[FRENCH] Curieux arc qui mèle symbiotes, voyages dans le temps et attaque d’un autre pays. On ne pourra pas dire…
[FRENCH] Charles Xavier est officiellement mort mais personne n’y croit, que ce soient les lecteurs (on parle des X-Men, on…
[ENGLISH] Guest starring the X-Men! Now that one of Peter Parker’s fellow students has been outted as a mutant, the…
[ENGLISH] SEGA of America, Inc., SEGA Europe Ltd., and Marvel Entertainment, Inc. announced today that the Iron Man video game,…
[ENGLISH] Bullet-ridden and consumed by a quest for vengeance, Logan has one objective—get Mystique and get revenge for her betrayal…
[FRENCH] Le nouveau Cap est lâché dans la nature et on ne peut pas dire que ses méthodes soient les…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Selffriends, everyone’s favorite New Mutant Warlock has returned in the pages of Nova! But the comeback…
[FRENCH] Voilà une série qui, numéro après numéro, confirme toute l’excellente impression qu’elle a pu laisser de prime abord. Sous…
[ENGLISH] LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Marvel Studios, a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment, Inc. (NYSE: MVL – News) has entered into its first…
[FRENCH] Suite de la saga « Haunted » dans laquelle notre héros affronte son ennemi juré, le Mandarin, une nouvelle fois. Cette…
[French] Nous l’avons suggeré dans Comic Box#51, c’est désormais officiel, Matt Fraction joint ses forces à celles d’Ed Brubaker sur…
[English] Marvel keeps on saying… « Who Do you Trust ? ». Maybe we’ll finally know very soon. Secret Invasion is about…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: The past, present and future of mutankind are at stake as Bishop and Cable wage war…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: From the superstar creative team of Eisner-winner Brian Bendis (New Avengers, Mighty Avengers) and acclaimed artist…