Au Paris Manga Sci-Fi Show, nous avons croisé Alberto Jiménez Albuquerque. L'occasion de parler de sa carrière et de ses…
Made Men, nouvelle série lancée chez Oni Press par Paul Tobin et Arjuna Susini, voit le mythe de la créature…
[ENGLISH] Oni Press say: Discovering the Sword of Abraham may not be trustworthy allies, Becky must decide if she can…
[ENGLISH] LOS ANGELES, CA - Leading online entertainment distributor, 60Frames, and leading independent comic book publisher, Oni Press, are joining…
[ENGLISH] Oni Press is proud to announce SALT WATER TAFFY: THE SEASIDE ADVENTURES OF JACK AND BENNY, a new ongoing…
Click here for a list of the comics published in march ‘08 (suite…)