[ENGLISH] Top Cow tells us: New York, NY – April 4, 2011 – 2K Games, Top Cow Productions, Inc., and…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: New York, NY – April 4, 2011— Marvel Entertainment is proud to announce Captain America #1,…
[FRENCH] La Société des Courses Lyonnaises nous communique: Bullez à l'hippodrome de Parilly, Dimanche 3 avril 2011 de 12h à…
[ENGLISH] Entertainment Weekly tells us: He’s been a famous body builder. He’s been a killer cyborg from the future. He’s…
[FRENCH] Les Editions Emmanuel Proust nous communiquent: Les Editions Emmanuel PROUST présentent « BLADE RUNNER » - Après le Roman…
[ENGLISH] Image Comics tells us: Turf Concludes with Variant Covers by Dave Gibbons and Michael Kaluta - Berkeley, CA –…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In June 2011, Part 1: Marvel Universe. Fear Itself, Avengers, Secret Avengers, New Avengers,…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In June 2011, Part 2: X-Men, Mutants and friends. X-Men, X-Men: Prelude, Astonishing X-Men,…
[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In June 2011, Part 3: Ultimate, Max & others: Ultimate Comics Captain America, Ultimate…
[ENGLISH] DC Comics tells us: DC Comics In June 2011, Part 1: DC Universe – Flashpoint, DC Universe Online Legends,…