Based on the upcoming Mirror’s Edge video game, the comic combines the talents of writer and story designer Rhianna Pratchett with artist Matthew Dow Smith. Pratchett is also responsible for crafting the intricate script for the game. The six-part comic series will introduce readers to Faith and her fellow ‘Runners’ – a network of couriers who use acrobatic moves to avoid being detected as they traffic packages across a network of rooftops and aerial skyways.
“Rhianna and DICE have created an amazing game with a great backstory,” said Hank Kanalz, Vice President/General Manager for WildStorm. “The characters have really come alive in the game, and we are pleased that we will be able to add to the canon of the Mirror’s Edge universe with this project.”
Mirror’s Edge is being developed at EA Digital Illusions CE AB (DICE) in Stockholm, Sweden. This revolutionary new take on the first person action adventure genre will ship this winter for the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360® videogame and entertainment system and for the PC. This product is not yet rated by PEGI or ESRB. For more information on EA DICE, please visit or
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