
Marvel In July 2012: Ultimates & Others

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In July 2012, Part 3: Ultimate, MAX & Others. Hit-Girl, Secret Service, Takio, Ultimate…

13 ans ago

Marvel In December 2011: Ultimate, Max

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In December 2011, Part 3: Ultimate, Max & others: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Ultimate Comics…

13 ans ago

Marvel In October 2011: Ultimate, Max

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In October 2011, Part 3: Ultimate, Max & others: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Ultimate Comics…

14 ans ago

Marvel In March 2011: Ultimate, Max…

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In March 2011, Part 3: Crossgen, Ruse, Sigil, Formic Wars: Ultimate Comics Doom, Ultimate…

14 ans ago

Marvel In February 2011: Ultimate, Max…

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In February 2011, Part 3: Formic Wars: Ultimate Comics Doom, Ultimate Comics Captain America,…

14 ans ago

Marvel Comics In October 2010: Ultimate, Max…

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In October 2010, Part 3: Ultimate, Max & Others: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Ultimate Comics…

15 ans ago

Preview: Casanova #1

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: This July, the most popular mind-bending, sci-fi spy opus of the decade returns with Casanova #1,…

15 ans ago

Marvel In September 2010: Ultimate, Max & Others

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In September 2010, Part 3: Ultimate, Max & Others: Marvelman, Dark Tower: The Gunslinger,…

15 ans ago