
Avant-Première VO: Review Ultimate End #4

[FRENCH] Le compte-à-rebours continue pour l'univers Ultimate, la question étant un peu de savoir si les héros et ceux de…

9 ans ago

Marvel In November 2012: Ultimate, Max & Others

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In November 2012:, Part 3: Ultimate, Max & Others. Dexter, Ultimate Comics Iron Man,…

12 ans ago

Marvel In July 2012: Ultimates & Others

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In July 2012, Part 3: Ultimate, MAX & Others. Hit-Girl, Secret Service, Takio, Ultimate…

13 ans ago

Marvel In June 2012: Ultimate, Max & Others

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In June 2012, Part 3: Ultimate, Max & Others. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Ultimate Comics…

13 ans ago

Preview: Ultimate Comics X #5

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Your First Look At Jeph Loeb and Arthur Adams’ ULTIMATE COMICS X #5! Marvel is pleased…

14 ans ago

Avant-Première VO: Ultimate Avengers Vs. New Ultimates #2

[FRENCH] Les Ultimates ont, dans l'épisode précédent, mis la main sur une sorte de marché clandestin des superpouvoirs. La version…

14 ans ago

Preview: Ultimate Comics Captain America #2

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: An Ultimate Comics groundbreaking miniseries! Captain America has met his match, but just who exactly is…

14 ans ago

Marvel In April 2011: Ultimate, Max & others…

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In April 2011, Part 3: Ultimate, Max & others: Ultimate Comics Captain America, Ultimate…

14 ans ago

Marvel Unveils New Death Of Spider-Man Covers

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to debut the covers to Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #157 and Ultimate Comics Avengers…

14 ans ago

Avant-Première VO: Ultimate Comics Captain America #1

[FRENCH] Pendant les décennies d'absence du Ultimate Captain America, les USA ne pouvaient pas rester sans super-soldat. En particulier en…

14 ans ago

Avant-Première VO: Review Ultimate Comics Thor #3

[FRENCH] En 1939, Asgard est aux abois, assiégée par un Loki qui commande aussi bien aux géants de glace qu'aux…

14 ans ago

Marvel In February 2011: Ultimate, Max…

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In February 2011, Part 3: Formic Wars: Ultimate Comics Doom, Ultimate Comics Captain America,…

14 ans ago

Preview: Ultimate Comics Avengers 3 #3

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Vampire X has gotten his fangs into Captain America! Now, that the country’s biggest super hero…

14 ans ago

Marvel In January 2011: Ultimate, Max & Others

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In January 2011, Part 3: Ultimate, Max & Others, Ultimate Comics Thor, Ultimate Comics…

14 ans ago

Trade Paper Box #16 – Ultimate Galactus, la Trilogie

[FRENCH] En matière de comics comme dans la « vraie vie », le snobisme est un danger immense, une pente insidieuse qui…

14 ans ago

Avant-Première: Review Ultimate Comics Thor #1

[FRENCH] Sans doute que l'approche d'un film y est pour quelque chose mais Marvel laisse finalement l'Ultimate Thor voler de…

14 ans ago

Marvel In December 2010: Ultimate Comics, Max…

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel Comics In December 2010, Part 3: Ultimate Comics, Max... Ultimate Comics Avengers, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man,…

14 ans ago

Preview: Ultimate Comics New Ultimates #3

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: THOR REBORN! If Thor returns, an Ultimate must die to take his place in Valhalla! With…

14 ans ago

Preview: Ultimate Comics Mystery #1

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Marvel is proud to present your first look at Ultimate Comics Mystery #1, from critically acclaimed…

15 ans ago

Preview: Ultimate Comics Avengers 2 #4

[ENGLISH] Marvel tells us: Nick Fury’s Avengers have assembled: Black Widow, The Punisher, a new Hulk, War Machine and Hawkeye…

15 ans ago